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WODS 3/3/25

Train Waco
Monday 3/3


In 10 minutes, build to a heavy:
Squat Clean and Jerk


In 5 Minutes Complete:
60/50 Calorie Row
with remaining time, AMRAP: 
Squat Clean & Jerk (70% from above)

REST 3:00

In 5 Minutes Complete:
50/40 Calorie Row
with remaining time, AMRAP:
Squat Clean & Jerk (70% from above)

REST 3:00

In 5 Minutes Complete:
40/30 Calorie Row
with time remaining, AMRAP:
Squat Clean and Jerk (70%. from above)

Calories: 50/40, 40/30, 30/20


50 Toe Touch Crunch
25R+L Standing Kettlebell Around the World @ Hip

Tuesday 3/4


Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
8 Barbell RDLs @ 31X1


AMRAP 6 minutes
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats

Rest 4 Mins

AMRAP 6 minutes
3 Curtis P's
6 Bar Facing Burpees


:30 Banded Shoulder Stretch/Arm
2 Min Bottom of Squat Hold
1 Min Alternate Between Cat/Cow Stretch 

Wednesday 3/5


AMRAP 24 minutes
2000/1500m Bike
100 Double Unders
100 Abmat Sit-ups
10 Dbl. DB/KB Farmer's Carry (d/b = 1)

Partner Option: Trade Reps
Indy Option: All You! 


3 Sets:
30s Weighted Plank 
10 each Shoulder Y T W's 
10 Med Ball HS Curls 

Thursday 3/6



1 x 1000m row
-Rest 3 Mins

Then 5 Sets of:
500m Row @ 1k Pace 
-rest 90s b/t 


3-4 sets:
1 Min/Side Runners Lunge
5/5 Thread-The-Needle
10 Wall Shoulder Angels
1 Min Thoracic Opener on MB

Friday 3/7

OPEN 25.2

Saturday 3/8


Teams of 2
For Quality:
100m Run
200m Row
500m Bike*
200m Run
300m Row
1000m Bike*
300m Run
400m Row
1500m Bike*
400m Run
500m Row
1500m Bike*
500m Row
400m Run
1000m Bike*
400m Row
300m Run
200m Run
500m Bike*
200m Row
100m Run
Split Row & Bike, Run Together

After Each Bike Split 25 Wallballs 


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